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So, obviously, I’ve been gone for a while. I’m extremely sorry for this but I am in the process of moving so making time for things like this is not exactly easy. I have seen a couple movies and rented a couple of DVDs so I figured the best thing to do is give just a couple of quick hits

Your Highness (Rated R)

A promising concept marred by it’s own execution, Your Highness, simply put, is not good at all. Danny McBride and James Franco have plenty of chemistry as the two leads but the normally hilarious duo seem out place and lost, as do the jokes. This is one movie that’s 90 minutes too long. (D-)

Fast Five (Rated PG-13)

5 is sometimes too much, but not in this case. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Vin Diesel’s neck rolls and the rest of the gang are back in this onelastgoaroundthatmightnotbeourlasteventhoughwesayitmightbe. The entire cast is littered with terrible actors, but emoting and character depth aren’t asked of them here. Simply, like the rest of the movie, they are here to do one thing: steal a shit load of cash from a crooked mother sucka who runs Brazil. Even though the acting is C level, the action is nothing less than A+. Director Justin Lin shows off plenty of flair and balls with fast whipping cars and excellent sound design. It’s with that logic that I highly recommend Fast Five, just remember to shut off your logic before the movie starts. (B-)

The King’s Speech (Rated R)

Over rated. Over bloated. Self appreciating. And it won the Oscar over the Social Network! I was extremely pissed when the Academy went by the seat of their pants by choosing this Forrest Gump wannabe. It’s awesome the first time, the story of triumph and happiness, but the next two times make the turns seem stale and the performances…..well that’s another day. It’s a good movie, but only watch it once. (A-)

That’s it. I won’t review any movies this Tuesday because the Biebs doesn’t deserve my time but by 12 pm Friday a review of Bridesmaids will be up so be on the lookout for that.

About Bobby Carmona

I like movies.....I guess.


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